Maximizing Your Compensation After A Motor Vehicle Accident

The aftermath of a motor vehicle accident can be overwhelming for injury victims and their families. It can be difficult to see beyond the medical bills, the lost income and the lost means of transportation — not to mention the pain of the injury itself.

Let us help alleviate your burdens. We can handle the legal and insurance matters and fight to maximize your compensation — all while you focus on what matters most: your health and your family. At Vincent P. Scallan Law, LLC, you get personal, one-on-one attention from a skilled and dedicated attorney. If you ever have questions or concerns about your case, we are available 24/7.

For a free consultation with an experienced car accident lawyer, call 504-410-7988 or send us an email. We advise and represent accident victims in New Orleans and throughout southern Louisiana.


We Handle All Types Of Accident Cases

At Vincent P. Scallan Law, LLC, we have the knowledge, experience and resources to handle all kinds of motor vehicle accident cases, including:

Every case is different. We will assess your specific situation and provide guidance and representation on the best path forward for you.

For more on what to do after a crash, see our Car Accident FAQ.

The Insurance Company Is Not On Your Side

Insurance companies are notorious for offering lowball settlements to victims of car accidents. Even if the wreck was clearly the other driver’s fault, the insurance adjuster will ask you questions that are designed to minimize the amount of compensation you receive.

Before you talk to the insurance company, talk to us. We will fight to help you get the maximum available compensation for your current and future losses resulting from the accident. Your energies should be focused on getting physically and emotionally well again. Let us handle the rest.

Contact Us For A Free Consultation

We handle motor vehicle accident cases on a contingency-fee basis. That means we do not collect a fee unless we win compensation for you. To schedule a free consultation with a personal injury attorney, call 504-410-7988 or complete our contact form. We represent individuals and families in every parish in the greater New Orleans area.

We Have Answers To Your Car Accident FAQs

At Vincent P. Scallan Law, LLC, we help car accident victims in the New Orleans area get the full compensation they deserve. If you were injured due to another driver’s negligence, call us at 504-410-7988 to speak with an experienced personal injury attorney. You can also complete our contact form to arrange a free consultation.

Here are some questions you may have after a crash:

What Basic Steps Should I Take After A Car Accident?

There can be a lot of pain and confusion in the aftermath of a motor vehicle accident. Here are some basic steps you can take to help ensure that you receive appropriate medical care and the maximum available compensation for your injuries:

  1. Stay on the scene and call the police. When the authorities arrive, they will make an accident report, which can then be used to prove the other driver’s negligence. Also, it is illegal to leave the scene of a serious accident.

  2. Get prompt medical attention, even if you think your injury is only minor. Car accident injuries that seem minor at first often become worse in the days and weeks after the crash, so it’s a good idea to see a doctor as soon as possible to ensure that you are properly diagnosed. Getting medical treatment also starts the medical documentation of your injury, and this documentation is critical to your personal injury claim.

  3. Document the scene and your injuries. If you can and if it is safe to do so, take pictures of the accident scene, the vehicle damage and your injuries. Pictures can be used as evidence in personal injury claims. If your injury prevents you from doing this, see if someone else can — perhaps a friend, family member, passenger or police officer.

  4. Get the other driver’s name, contact information, vehicle license plate number, phone number and insurance information. Also, get the contact information of any witnesses. All of this information is very important for your case.

  5. Contact us for a free consultation. We can handle all aspects of your injury claim while you take care of your health and receive medical care. Our goal is to maximize the compensation you receive.

  6. Continue medical treatment until it is finished. This is important for your health, but it is also important to understand that “gaps” in medical treatment can be very bad for your personal injury claim. If you stop going to medical appointments or otherwise stop treatment prematurely, the insurance company will likely claim that your injury isn’t as severe as it truly is, and you might not receive all the compensation you need. It’s best to continue treatment, always with the understanding that the purpose of your injury claim is to get compensation for medical expenses and other losses resulting from the crash. In most circumstances, we can advance the costs for your medical treatment, as well as assist in scheduling and providing transportation to and from doctors’ appointments.

Should I Accept The Insurance Company’s Initial Settlement Offer?

No — not before you talk to us. It is unfortunately common for insurance companies to offer lowball settlements in the hope that injury victims will accept an amount that comes nowhere close to covering the full cost of the injury. Insurance companies are in business to make money, not necessarily to pay you the full amount you’re entitled to. Let us review your case so you don’t end up accepting a lowball settlement offer.

What If I Was Partially At Fault For The Crash?

Even if you were partially at fault for a car accident, you could still be entitled to compensation under Louisiana’s pure comparative negligence rule. In fact, Louisiana is one of the most generous states in terms of whether a partially at-fault party can recover compensation.

Here’s how pure comparative negligence works: your claim is reduced in proportion to the degree that you were at fault for the crash. For example, if you were 65 percent at fault, you might still be able to recover 35 percent of your damages.

How Can A Personal Injury Attorney Help?

We can handle all the legal and insurance matters while you focus on healing. Insurance companies have significant resources for minimizing or even denying legitimate injury claims. We can help level the playing field by representing you every step of the way. We can investigate your case, gather evidence and seek the maximum available compensation on your behalf. We know the tricks insurance companies try to pull, and we use our knowledge, experience and tenacity to help our clients get the compensation they need and deserve.

We are available 24/7. When you become our client, you will have your attorney’s personal cellphone number in case you have any questions or concerns.

Contact Us For A Free Consultation

To speak with an experienced personal injury lawyer about your case, call 504-410-7988 today or complete our contact form. We offer free initial consultations, and we advise and represent car accident victims in New Orleans and throughout southern Louisiana.


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